You may sometimes need to measure the screen opening to determine which iPad case you have, or we may ask you for a measurement when we are not able to measure it ourselves, like when making a keyguard for a case that is no longer available. While the majority of keyguards we make are for iPads, the same applies when we are making a keyguard for any other device, whether or not it is in a removable case.
What measurement are we looking for? It's the measurement of the height and width of the opening that reveals the iPad screen. Ignore any bumps or notches surrounding the home button, cameras, etc. What we want is the dimensions without consideration of any such features.
For example, on a typical foam case you'd measure like this, avoiding the notch for the home button:
For a case with a removable screen protector like this one, or any case with a plain, rectangular opening, simply measure to the inner edges of the frame:
For a typical rigid case, you'd measure the inside of the frame, as usual ignoring any notches or bulges. Note on the left that we've avoided the big bulge at the bottom, and on the right we've avoided the notch at the bottom around the home key and the bump around the camera opening on top:
Following is a list of measurement methods you can use, in order of preference.
- Send us the case and let us measure it. Not only will you not be responsible for an inaccurate measurement, but we'll actually test fit the keyguard in the case before we ship it back.
- Use a caliper. Use the two points that are made for an inside measurement (the angled edges are inside the opening). Measure to the nearest .001 inch or .1 mm. If you don't know how to read a caliper, lock it in place and take a picture of the measurement. Send both pictures to us at the email below.
- Trace the opening. This method cannot be used if there is a clear screen protector attached to the case. It works if you've removed the clear piece, or if there is a screen protector attached to the screen glass. Cut a piece of paper or card stock (preferred) slightly bigger than the opening. Tape it to the front of the iPad and put the iPad back in the case.; Trace the opening with a very sharp pencil.; Remove the card stock and measure the tracing.; Send us the measurements, along with a picture of the tracing if it would be helpful.; If you're uncomfortable taking the measurements, you can mail the tracing to us at the address below.
- Use a ruler. This is the least reliable method, especially on cases with a thicker screen bezel that results in a "deep" opening. Place the 1 inch or the 1 cm mark over one edge of the opening and take a measurement on the other edge. Don't forget to subtract the 1! Be sure you're looking directly down onto the mark at each end. If you look at an angle, you won't get the correct measurement. If you're using this method to take pictures for us, take one picture to show the ruler measuring the width of the opening, then a closeup of each end, taken directly above that end. Repeat for the height.
Send your measurements or pictures to Don't forget to include your order number so we know what to do with the measurements! If you're going to send us a tracing, case or device, mail it to
Keyguard Assistive Technology
7707 Central Ave NE
Suite A
Spring Lake Park, MN 55432
Most keyguards can be designed the day we get the measurements, so the sooner you get them to us, the sooner you'll get your finished keyguard.
If you have any questions about measurements or other keyguard design issues, you can contact technical support at 763-502-0440.